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Public Entrepreneurship as a Response to Complex Challenges

New challenges need to be managed

"More and more major social challenges are emerging that municipalities are facing, such as reducing nitrogen, the shortage of housing and labor in many sectors, migration, costs of energy and healthcare, and next to this as important the quality of democratic Processes with Inhabitants and Companies. 


The existing official organization of many municipalities is not set up for this. New challenges force municipalities into new roles and innovative organizational forms in order to cope with such social challenges. Public Start is a perfect instrument for Municipalities to get help on this proces of change."


Willem Foorthuis

Professorship for Sustainable Cooperative Entrepreneurship

Hanzehogeschool, Groningen

The Complexity Map

In situations in which traditional processes of the public service do not fit, we provide guidance and support to navigate through the wicked connections and interrelations. The public:START complexity map helps to capture the complex challenge in its entirety and provides steps towards potential next steps to manage the complex challenge that seemed unsolvable.

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The programme will enable public sector actors to tackle complex, multi-dimensional challenges (OECD) by fostering entrepreneurship skills (EntreComp).

The programme will be designed around the concept of ‘Micro-learning’, short and concise "learning nuggets", delivered in multi-media formats to promote blended learning approaches.

Public Entrepreneurship

Digital Learning Programme

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The micro learning elements from PR1 will be embedded in an easy-to-use, gamified digital visualisation that leads the public sector staff through the process of developing and implementing an innovative solution to a complex problem.

It will act as a checklist, guide and progress report in order to increase transparency, security for staff, and to assign responsibilities.


On-the-Job learning tool

The public:START project

The desired impact of this project is to nurture a new generation of Public Entrepreneurs all over Europe who actively implement the learning materials and Public:Start tool of this project in order to respond to complex socio-economic challenges by fostering public innovation.

Meet The Team

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2022 Public:START

Erasmus Plus KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project No: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000029864 Project title: Public Entrepreneurship as a Response to Complex Challenges

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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